eMMC Pro V1.06
[19 AUG 2016]
Description :eMMC Pro V1.06 Release Notes
eMMC Pro V1.06 Release Notes

Errors and Handling
Writing to Fake I/O Bug is fixed.
Error Codes
Error Messages and Handling ;
CMD_CRC_FAIL = (1) which is Command response received (but CRC check failed)
DATA_CRC_FAIL = (2) which is Data bock sent/received (CRC check Failed)
CMD_RSP_TIMEOUT = (3) which is Command response timeout
DATA_TIMEOUT = (4) which is Data time out
TX_UNDERRUN = (5) which is Transmit FIFO under-run
RX_OVERRUN = (6) which is Receive FIFO over-run
START_BIT_ERR = (7) which is Start bit not detected on all data signals in widE bus mode
CMD_OUT_OF_RANGE = (8) which is CMD's argument was out of range
ADDR_MISALIGNED = (9) which is Misaligned address
BLOCK_LEN_ERR = (10) which is Transferred block length is not allowed for the card or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length
ERASE_SEQ_ERR = (11) which is An error in the sequence of erase command occurs
BAD_ERASE_PARAM = (12) which is An Invalid selection for erase groups
WRITE_PROT_VIOLATION = (13) which is Attempt to program a write protect block
LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED = (14) which is Sequence or password error has been detected in unlock command or if there was an attempt to access a locked card
COM_CRC_FAILED = (15) which is CRC check of the previous command failed
ILLEGAL_CMD = (16) which is Command is not legal for the card state
CARD_ECC_FAILED = (17) which is Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data
CC_ERROR = (18) which is Internal card controller error
GENERAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR = (19) which is General or Unknown error
STREAM_READ_UNDERRUN = (20) which is The card could not sustain data transfer in stream read operation.
STREAM_WRITE_OVERRUN = (21) which is The card could not sustain data programming in stream mode
CID_CSD_OVERWRITE = (22) which is CID/CSD overwrite error
WP_ERASE_SKIP = (23) which is only partial address space was erased
CARD_ECC_DISABLED = (24) which is Command has been executed without using internal ECC
ERASE_RESET = (25) which is Erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received
AKE_SEQ_ERROR = (26) which is Error in sequence of authentication.
Standard errors and messages ;
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